+86 18803088160/+86 15732850780 +86 0318 2129985
Program Selection
Standards Structure Medium Equipment Connect
Requires Requires Requires Requires Requires
Industry Metal Hose LPG Washer Union
MA Steel Skeleton Acid/Alkali Compressor Clamp
API Fiber Spiral Steam Concrete Quick
DIN Fiber Braided Wear Drilling Flange
SAE Steel Spiral Mining Mining Withhold
GB Steel Braided Oil Vehicle Tread

Renovl is the global leader of rubber hose and hydraulic components. It has the first-class hose manufacturing technology and professional R&D institutions. Renovl products  are exported to over 50 countries through the world and enjoy a good reputation. The company established a strict quality control system, and acquired the ISO9001-quality certification, TS16949-automotive industry certification, MA-mining certification, and CCS-China Classification Society certification.